Kamis, 12 April 2012


Hola everybody! :) 
Last week I managed to make a post almost every day, cuz I had plenty of time being sick at home. At least something good out of it right? :) Sadly, this week I`m overload with all the things going on and I have so many things/ideas to share but don`t really have time to make a proper post. Thank god it`s Friday tmrw! :) 
(ok, this song just crossed my mind - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlyXNRrsk4A , but it`s more of a Saturday morning thing) :)
Anyhow If I`m totally honest with you, I`m so tired right now that I don`t really know what to write, so I`ll just stop, before I make damage with total nonsense. :) 
On the photo below there is another quick / healthy snack which I like very much. (I couldn`t make a post without a photo and I have a lot of photos in my cooking folder, so why not sharing.) :) 

Ingredients: cherry tomato (homegrown during the winter on the south side/facade), feta cheese, tuna, olive oil + herbs

.... and now it`s time for an episode of "Game of Thrones" and then sweet sleeping. 
Good night xoxo

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