Senin, 02 April 2012


(such a catchy song - I keep singing it in my head) :)

Well, I`m sick of being sick! It`s 4 days now and I want it to stop! I`m sure I`ll be fine on Wednesday when the rainy days will start and I`ll have to be inside anyway :) Hm, not much going on with me and I`m not really creative or having lots of thoughts to write down for you guys...but maybe you have something for sharing? Anything cool/weird/new/interesting/whatever happend to you lately and you are really stoked about it? :) Well, now is your chance to share , you know what they say "It`s always more fun to share with everyone!" :) (or at least that was what we were saying on my erasmus exchange) :D haha oh and there is also a song about it by Jack Johnson ! (btw J.J. is the first thing that comes up on my mind on a sunny day..a cup of coffee + a good song = a beautiful morning).

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