Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

|events - exhibition| ::VIŽDE - OTROC SO LAČN, TK JE::

On Friday I went with my girls to Žalec, to check out what "Vižde" prepared for us this time.
They organised a charity (art) exhibition of young artists that are coming from Žalec & Celje. In my opinion it was great, very well organised, fresh & new for our region, which I approve very much, because I think we definitely need more events like this, so "Bravo" boys&girls, well done & keep it going! ;) 
Lately, I`m asking myself, what are all the talented artists from my town doing, because I know there are a couple of them, but I don`t see much going on...I really hope people will at some point collaborate and make something good out of it (a kickass fresh idea of an event would be a good start, or just something very simple, but good for the city - we really need to be working on bringing life back into it, because at the moment, it`s just sad).
You don`t really need much though. Just time, some effort and an idea of course.
So, Celje....please, surprise me.
If there is anyone with an idea, but he needs help with the organisation, just contact me, I`m all in, I really think, we could do so much more. Nobody is really trying for the public good anymore, everyone started to be egoistic and just do, whatever is best for them. I get it to some point, but I still think, that we are the ones that can change things, we just need to help each other out. Even though you`ll do something for free once, that doesn`t mean you are not valuable, it just means you`re trying at your best + hoping for the best and it will come back to you (good karma and stuff like that). :)
Ah, whatever, it`s better I go to sleep instead of writting an essay here, cuz I was a bit carried away....anyhow, my muscles are still soar from the marathon on Sunday, tomorrow is the last working day for this week (yey!) and I had a kebab today for lunch (healthy, I know) - which was superlicious btw. :)

Good night, 
xo, M.

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