Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Mikstejp`s Fall picks and all about the laziness.

Holidays and lots of free time,which I didn`t use in a productive way. I admit, I`m so lazy last 3 days. I don`t know what`s wrong,just missing my energy (I guess it`s because of all the extra food I ate) :)  .. 
 I`ve made lil fashion picks for fall... don`t know if you`ll like it, but I do. Especially the purse, scarf and the boots... haha everything really!  What can I do, it`s a girl syndrom :)  
btw I could do so much more picks, but it`s late and I`m tired, and I wanted to make a fast post... so there you have it, the truth about my laziness :)
And here are some cool looks that I`ve chosen - found on pinterest. (Pinterest is so addictive, right? ) :)

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

:: PUMPKINS - diy inspiration ::

I guess I`m still in the orange mood or maybe it`s just autumn and halloween affecting me, cuz it seems everything around is in orange/yellow/brown.

There is so much you can do with that pumpkins of yours! I gathered some photos that I liked, maybe you will get an idea as well. I haven`t done anything yet, but I really love the white ones. 
Ahh and tomorrow is Friday, which makes me happy! We`re home than till wednesday cuz of holidays and that means plenty of time for baking and creating. : ) 

Below there are some ideas of pumpkin` decorations, not so much of a halloween, but It could be as well.
I`m in love into Fall decor, it`s so lovely and romantic. What do you think?

If you like to bake, this is a great idea. Pumpkin muffins, Im sure kids will love it. (also "the big kids") :D 

All the photos found on pinterest.

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


How the color orange affects us mentally and physically? 

- Stimulates activity
 - Stimulates appetite
         - Encourages socialization

That`s why I like it! I love to be social, I have good appetite, and I feel great while being active. 
Whats ur favourite color? I don`t really have one, I like them all.
I guess my favourite one changes from month to month. This month`s pick would be definitely orange! ( It`s autumn, and I love mandarines - I eat like tons of them)


Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


Yesterday it was a day for being creative. Why? Well me and Jaka decided that twice per week we`re going to be creative. (that would be on Monday and Wednesday)
On Mondays we will be creative in the kitchen (because we`re both enjoying while getting some culinary skills and of course, the best part of it is, when the work ends and you can finally eat!).
Hehe I think, it`s a great idea! Yesterday we should start with our project and we came up with the idea about a cooking day. We both loved it, and now it`s official - Monday cooking project. That means every monday (well probably tuesday because of arranging photos) you will have a lovely new post to enjoy.

Wednesdays will be reserved for making reused, recycled furniture or whatever, that we will find interesting and enough of a big challenge. Honestly, there is so many possibilities for DIY projects.
You will be able to see our progress through my posts, all you have to do is to follow my blog. :)

So yesterday we did spring rolls, cuz we both felt like eating Asian food, which Im not really a big fan of, but some things are delicious. (like spring rolls :D )

Recipe is really easy, you can totally play with it. You can use whatever vegetables you have at home or find some recipe and hurry to the nearest market to buy all the good stuff you need to make an unforgettable spring rolls. :)

Follow the link to see :  How to make crispy vegetable spring rolls.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011


I wish you all a very nice sunny saturday!
What are your plans for today?

(Just a tip for all those that maybe still dont know -you can enlarge the photo if you click on it). :)

View from the Skyscraper (Nebotičnik)
Panoramic view 

p.s. some photos are a bit blury, sorry for that, it was super cold and we were in a hurry. :)

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011


So this last weekend was 100 % architectural. ( thx to my bf ) :) We took some pictures and I`m happy to share them with you. 
I won`t be writting much about it, because I already did in one of the previous posts --> OHS.

Enjoy! ;) 



Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

:: film :: MARY & MAX

My every week movie post, turned into every month movie post. Sorry for that, I`ll do my best to improve my great film suggestions! :)
A while ago, I saw Mary & Max and damn, I cried, I laughed, I was happy, surprised, everything!
I loved it!
It˙s about how two different worlds come together in a story about a most unusual friendship.
So if you are thinking what to watch (like many times before) , don˙t hesitate, you will enjoy it!!

You can also check it on IMDB.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011


Okey this post is just for girls (or boys if they like scarfs) :)
If you like scarfs and you like to wear them, than this video is great for you! It`s always good to know in what ways you can wear your scarfs, right?
Well I saw this great video and I thought it`s a good material to share, so I`m sharing it. :)
Hope you`ll find something new and enjoy it.... and I wish you a great Saturday !!
I`m going for a jog right now, and even though its cold outside, I feel its a good choice. Hm , and afterwards Im going to Ljubljana to check the Open house project which I`ve already talked about it with you in this post.

What are your plans for today? Ah come on, don`t be shy and share it with me ;)

hugs for everyone!

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


Today it`s such a gray, rainy, lazy day. After super long summer, no real autumn, we have `winter`. It˙s super cold (yesterday 28 degrees, today 5) so that`s a big change + we have first snow in Slovenia, and all the people seem really happy, except me!! What can I do, I`m a summer person! I love sun, sea and beaches. Yes, I know...I should move to Australia. That is on the top of my wish list though,but I have to wait and see what life will bring me in the near future... Ahh btw the smell in the house is so good, cuz my mom is baking some goodies and making quince compote. (It kind of brings up december spirit - you know cinnamon, apples,gluwine..).    :) 
 Uh and I`ve just made me a cup of tea, some biscuits and got under my blanket and it feels great! ;) 

Oh and the photos are all about yellow! I was missing the sun today.....


Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


Hey guys, how was your weekend? Mine was great. Sunny beginning of October spent in the mountains. We went to Grintovec and I have to say - It wasn`t easy! Haha it surprised me actually, today my legs are killing me (especially when I walk down the stairs)...  Anyway, it`s sunday and I still have so many things to do and tmrw is a working day, so I wish you a great ending of sunday and even better beginning of monday! ;)