Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011


I didn`t stop writing, I just need to finish with my exams and that is next thursday...yeeey! After that, hopefully I`ll have an amazing summer, full of adventures and plenty of free time for writing my blog :D.
 Honestly,I can`t wait for that! 

During my studies I drink a lot of tea/coffee, and for sure I wouldn`t mind drinking it out of this super cute teacups! Come on, hidden animal teacups? J`adore ! 

Oh and this mug with space for cookies... perfect! I`m definitely a cookie person :D I always eat cookies with my coffee/tea. It just goes together really well! :) 

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


Yes I`m a girl and I like bags, shoes and all the accessories :) I decided to post some photos of Su-Shi products, because I love them. Especially the bags, they are amazing! I wouldn`t mind being the owner of one of those pretty bags ...
So , maybe It`s time for me to start saving, because it`s on my wish list for a while now! :) But there is a problem....which color to choose? haha, there are so many....and they all look just like I want them :)
I guess this would be my favourite pick :)
Some of the fashion bloggers & Su-Shi

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011


I came home from work and for 15 minutes I was deciding if I want to go jogging or not, because the weather is crazy this last days, and I really don`t wish to be out there in the middle of the storm. 
So, I went anyway. : ) hehe and I was lucky! 
I have to say I really love the moments before the storm arrives, because everything is so peaceful, there`s not even a breeze that you could feel on your face.

Hm and the post should be about cherries right? : ) 
So my lil nephew and I picked some cherries.  He enjoyed so much, just holding the basket - so adorable. 
And now...back to studying. 

How was your day? :)

Ko sem prišla iz službe sem se prvo 15 minut odločala, če grem na svoj standardni tek ali ne, namreč vreme ga pošteno biksa zadnje dni in zadnja stvar, ki si jo želim je , da bi tekla po toči ali kakšni hudi nevihti. (po dežu drugače rada tekam - ampak tko na izi) :) 
Odločila sem se, da grem in bilo je fino! :)  Trenutki pred nevihto so posebni, takšni skrivnostni in mirni. Niti vetrca ni čutiti...

Hehe in to bi naj bila objava o češnjah? : ) 
Z nečakom sva jih nabrala polno košaro in oh, kako je užival že ob samem držanju košare. Takšni mali otroci so res luštni, pa polno enih zabavnih vprašanj imajo. 
Zdaj pa konec uživancije, in nazaj za knjige....

Kako ste pa vi preživeli dan? 

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


Joj, trenutno imam ful veliko željo po kremšniti :) Kaj bi dala, za eno direkt iz Bleda. Mmmmm...
Bled je lep in rada grem tja na sprehod, se popeljat s čolnom, gledat račke in labode, uživat kavico ob jezeru in pa seveda brez kremne rezine, izlet ni popoln. :)
Nazadnje sem obiskala Bled tam nekje konec zime, vem da je bilo jezero še zaledenelo, pihal je veter, vendar je situacijo reševal sončen dan..
Uh samo, da končam z izpitnim obdobjem in diplomo, pa lepše po Sloveniji. Pa še kam drugam! :D
_ _ _ _ _ _
Im craving for kremna rezina right now. I would be so happy if someone would bring me one, maybe directly from Bled. ( Haha, c`mon girl can have a dream :) )
I love Bled, its an amazing can have a great walk, boat ride, coffee by the lake, refreshing swim...
The last time I`ve been there was in the end of the winter, and it was still a bit cold and the lake was frozen. But it was a nice sunny day, so I have good memories. 
Ahh I`m so waiting for the end of June, when all the studying will be over and I will have some time to enjoy and travel around.... wuop wuop! :D