Rabu, 19 September 2012


Autumn smells like cinnamon - at least to me, but than again also Winter smells like cinnamon! :) What does Autumn smells like to you? :) I love when leaves are falling down and you go for a walk through the forest picking up chestnuts. Than the only reasonable thing is to go home, make some tea + roast the cheastnuts, make yourself comfortable on the couch under a blanket and just enjoy the moment. If there is a fireplace in your house/flat even better! :) Ok that has nothing to do with the title, but it kind of fitted in. :)
Yesterday I went with my friend on a "small trip" to Ikea. After we did all the shopping & walking, we went for a lunch there + I took one Kanelbullar with me, cuz I knew I want to have it for breakfast today! ;)
I think I`m going to start a new thing, a label just for breakfasts. What do you think? 

+ Pravjo` da po jutru se dan pozna! 

xo, Maja 

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