Kamis, 07 Juni 2012


Hey guys, how is your week so far? I have to say that I`m really happy that tomorrow is Friday, because I`m really tired from all the things that are going on around me. I`ve manage to be super busy for a while now,even the weekends are all planned up, so there will be no time for relaxing. Ah, I can`t wait for August and holidays! Wuop wuop, Europe backpacking! :)  
Anyway on Sunday I told you that I did one of the projects from my weekly DIY inspirational posts and here it is  --> a magazine stand - easy, cheap and pretty! :) 

p.s. I got this flag garland from Nina ( Studio Ninocka )  a while ago and it`s perfect for this! Once more, thank you for this lovely gift! ;) *

xoxo, Maja 

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