Senin, 02 April 2012


Oh yes, the chalkboard paint! <3 I love the idea of it + it looks really stylish to me! Maybe it`s not the healthiest thing to have it in your kitchen, but still I wouldn`t mind having a wall like this, so the kids could play while mommy cooks...haha wait, I went to far into the future right now. :)
Yeah, I`m a daydreamer (always was and always will be). 
C`mon and the chalkboard plant pots? Perfect ! Lately I`m just having some problems to choose between black & white versus colours. I love both ways, but black & white combination is definitely winning ... maybe few of them black and than on the other side of the garden, I can have a whole rainbow right? :) 
Ah and also chalkboard mugs, tray, table, vases.... I want them all!
Ok as soon as I`m ready to get out of my bed I`m doing DIY projects (lots of them), cuz I have so many ideas right now....J`adore Pinterest!

The best thing is that the chalkboard paint doesn`t need to be black or green, you can make it in any colour ! This photo below shows you which supplies you will need and if you follow this link, you will find the instructions as well ! 

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