Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


Wohuz it`s Friday ! I`m always so happy on Friday`s, especially if there is 22 degrees outside like today! What are your plans for the weekend? Staying home or going somewhere on a trip or smth? :)
This afternoon I`m going to play Tennis and than I have to bake a cake for a b-day cuz we are celebrating tomorrow  (Family style) and than on Sunday I`m going to a "marathon" (8km) again. I`m preparing for a half marathon in May, which is 21km so I need to get some practice done. So there you have it - my weekend plans! :)
I should also say something about the photos below right? This was our lunch one of this days (I think Wednesday). It`s so simple and really good & that`s why I`m showing it to you in case you`ll need an inspiration what to prepare for lunch.

Ingredients: Potato, red pepper, carrot, leek (I also needed google for this), onion, garlic, chicken + pepper, salt, rosemary, parsley + all kind of herbs that you like. Than you cut all this into small pieces and put it into oven untill its crusty/crispy. :)

 I`m obsessed with mustard. But not anykind of mustard, the DIJON one! :) + on the right it`s the last `lil bottle of Olive oil from Crete that I brought home this summer and I found this one in my backpack last week (that`s why it survived so long) :)

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