Selasa, 10 Desember 2013


I was in sauna a few days ago and a friend had a magazine wit her, so while she was reading, I was just glancing over the pages and I saw this recipe that looked super delicious, so I took a photo of it and this is how I came to this post about banana cake with wallnuts. :)
I actually made three of them in the last week! What can I say, I have friends with good taste that like to try out my cooking masterpieces. :)
Anyhow, Banana cake + Lemon cake = winwin! :)

So, if you want to make a banana cake of your own, you`ll need:
3 ripe bananas (3 zrele banane)
300g spelt flour (300g pirine moke)
125g butter (125g masla, jaz sem uporabila kokosovo)
100g brown sugar (100g rjavega sladkorja)
2 eggs (2 jajci)
100g walnut kernels (100g orehovih jedrc)
1/2 baking powder (1/2 pecilnega praška)
2 tbs sour cream (2 žlici kisle smetane)
cinnamon (cimet), a pinch of salt (ščepec soli), nutmeg (muškatni orešček)

SLO: Model namastite z maslom, ostalo maslo pa zmehčajte. Grobo sesekljajte orehova jedrca in z vilicami pretlačite banane. Te zmešajte z zmehčanim maslom in jim dodajte še jajci ki ste jih razžvrkljali s sladkorjem.
Moko presejte v skledo in ji dodajte pecilni prašek, cimet, muškatni orešček in sol. Suhe sestavine dobro zmešajte s preostalimi in na koncu dodajte še orehe - nekaj si jih pustite, da jih boste potresli po vrhu. Testo vlijte v namaščen pekač in pecite okrog 45 min v pečici, segreti na 180 stopinj.

ENG: Grease the cake model with butter, soften the rest of it (I just "cooked" it, so I got liquid out of it). Mash bananas with a fork, add butter,sour cream & eggs, which you have mixed with sugar. Next step is to sieve the flour into a bowl, add baking poweder, cinnamon, nutmeg and that pinch of salt. Mix the dry ingridients with the rest and on the end add the wallnuts - leave some, for the decoration. Bake 45 minuts at 180 degrees. Sorry, I discovered that my english is not so good when it comes to the cooking expressions, but I think, you`ll still be able to make a damn fine banana cake! ;)

xo, M.

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