Pageant Vixen Talk # 25: Susana Noguiera
by: Jay`Em
"The Amazona of Miss Earth 2011"
1. Who is Susana by describing herself in 3 words?
simple, outgoing and human
2. When you won the title as "Miss Earth Portugal", how did it changed your life?
The title said a lot, especially through this dedication and preparation for the contest.
3. What environmental advocacy are you into?
My environmental protection is based on environmental education for the forest. My projectwould be an eco-school, where he would learn concepts very important to society, whichtoday are forgotten.
4. In a span of a week, how did you bond with the ladies?
Very well. We were very united and us We helped each other.

5. Being part of the top 16, how does it feel?
I am very happy because I did not expect! For me it was a victory
6. Did you expected to be also in the top 8?
Honoring more and better my country, is part of my plans. A top 8 was very welcome. But I feel honored to have been in the top 16.
7. Now Miss Earth Pageant is done, what projects will Susana gonna be busy of?
Now I can continue what had begun .. Continue to university and finish my degree in Social Work.
8. Who among the ladies you'll gonna be missing the most?
I missed most of the Miss Brazil and Miss Venezuela :(
9. How will you celebrate victory in Portugal?
Unfortunately in Portugal, these contests are not highly publicized, because Portugal,returning to about the competition three years, is never ranked well, so is my celebration with people nearby.
10. If I were to ask you the question in Q & A, why is education important to saving the environment as what you formulated in your group manifesto?
You can not build a house, starting with the roof. We have to get underneath to get a goodplanning on it. Therefore, education as children is the most important step in life, whether environmental or in society.
11. What type of girl do you want to pass your crown as "Miss Earth Portugal"?
I want above all a simple person that has goals, and that can remain in the top 16 or is top.
Beauty Tip to All.
Like yourselves .. is the secret of beauty:)
Message to all your fans?
I want to thank everyone for supporting the Portuguese, and all people who welcomed us to Manila and Tarlac. Especially my family and friends, have always believed and supported to the fullest. It wasthanks to them that I am the person I am today.
" We wish you luck for your future endeavors Susana"
Greetings from UBC
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